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Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture » Tweaking: Eyes

Tweaking Panel Eyes

Panel for tweaking certain parameters of Eyes motion transfer after calibration.

Adjust Horz-Rot

Defines the horizontal rotation adjustment in degrees. This allows to offset the zero rotation in case the character eyes do not properly line up with the eye gaze direction of the actor. This can happen due to sub optimal eye tracker calibration or limitations of the eye tracker hardware used. Sometimes this can be also required due to the way the character eyes are designed.

Adjust Vert-Rot

Defines the vertical rotation adjustment in degrees. This allows to offset the zero rotation in case the character eyes do not properly line up with the eye gaze direction of the actor. This can happen due to sub optimal eye tracker calibration or limitations of the eye tracker hardware used. Sometimes this can be also required due to the way the character eyes are designed.