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Start Page » DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture » Object Behavior Properties: Animated


Properties related to the animated component behavior.

This behavior defines an Animator and optionally an animation resources to animated a Component. Components are the visual representation of the object but also provide physics, occlusion and audio information depending on the resources used. Animators allow to apply all kinds of animations to a component. This behavior expects an animator with one controller which is advanced by the elapsed time. The default name of this controller is “playback” but can be changed if required. If the controller is set to clamp the input value the animator plays once other ways it plays looping. Playback starts automatically when the object enters the world.

This behavior can be present multiple times in object classes. If more than one is present the behavior identifier is written in the group title to help identify them.


Animator resource to use. Defines the Animator representing the object. See Animator Editor on how to edit animator resources.


Name of the controller used for playing back the animation. The default value is “playback”. Controller names found in the animator are listed in the combo box to select from.

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democap/ppob_animated.1660335683.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/12 20:21 by dragonlord