{{tag>motioncapture democap}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> [[main|DEMoCap: Drag[en]gine Motion Capture]] >> **Tutorial: Import Animation Into Blender** {{ youtube>__EUosrn71Q?1280x756 }} ====== Import Animation Into Blender ====== * Run Blender3D. * Install the [[tools:blenderexportscripts|Blender Addon Drag[en]gine Import Export]] if not installed already. * Select the Armature matching the Rig used for doing the motion capture. You can also click the "Captured" button or use the "Browse exported" menu item to open these directories. The capture directory is located here: * Linux: ~/config/delauncher/games/e31f1c11-3ca6-c66b-adca-95484bedfc1f/capture/animations * Windows: %AppData%\DELaunchers\Config\games\e31f1c11-3ca6-c66b-adca-95484bedfc1f\capture\animations * Click File -> Import -> Drag[en]gine Resources -> Animations. * Select the animation file (*.deanim) to import. * Wait for the import to complete. Importing can take from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes for long captures. In general multiple short captures are recommended over long captures. * The imported action is named "Imported MoCap". ====== Blender DEMoCap Tools Addon ====== To simplify the process of importing animations an addon for Blender can be downloaded. See [[democap:blender_democaptools|Blender DEMoCap Tools Addon]] for the download and usage. ====== Example Characters ====== To test motion capture done on the example characters included in the DEMoCap distribution go to the //DEMoCap source code repository// at [[https://github.com/LordOfDragons/democap/releases/latest]]. Download the package "Source code (zip)" and extract the content to a directory of your choice. The character *.blend files are located in these directories: * data/develop/blender/dragonroo : Dragonroo character * data/develop/blender/biomech : Biomech character * data/develop/blender/hands : First person hands