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Skin File Format (*.deskin)

The skin file format is recognized by the Drag[en]gine Skin XML Module. The file is an XML file with a simple structure to define a skin.


XML File Structure


skinDefines the skin.yesonce-
textureDefines a named texture. Name has to be unique ( attributer 'name' ).nomultiple-
fullAlphaIf specified full alpha is used instead of masked alphanoonce-
valueDefines a property with the type in the 'property' attribute having a static value as specified in the cdata.nomultiple0
colorDefines a property with the type in the 'property' attribute having a static color as specified by the attributes 'r' for red, 'g' for green, 'b' for blue and 'a' for alpha. The tags r/g/b/a are optional. If not set they default to r=0, g=0, b=0 and a=1.nomultiple(0,0,0,1)
imageDefines a property with the type in the 'property' attribute having an image as specified by the cdata ( a path to the image file ).nomultiple-
sourceDefines a property with the type in the 'property' attribute having a complex and dynamic content. Definition is not finished yet so this tag does not do much yet.nomultiple-
renderableDefines a property with the type in the 'property' attribute having a renderable name ( cdata string ). The content of this property is defined at runtime using a component renderable of the same name. Name can be reused in multiple properties.nomultiple-

Sample file

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<!DOCTYPE skin SYSTEM 'DragengineSkin.dtd'>
	<texture name='material'>
		<image property='color'>color.png</image>
		<renderable property='color.tint'>tint</renderable>
		<image property='normal'>normal.png</image>
		<color property='reflectivity' r='0.17' g='0.17' b='0.17'/>
		<image property='roughness'>roughness.png</image>
		<value property='roughness.remap.lower'>0.1</value>
		<value property='roughness.remap.upper'>0.2</value>
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formats/modules/deskinxml/ · Last modified: 2019/05/09 08:21 by dragonlord