{{tag>graphic skin texture color}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> [[:gamedev|Game Development with the Drag[en]gine]] >> [[gamedev:skinproperties|Skin Texture Properties]] >> [[gamedev:texturepropertylist|Texture Property Database]] >> **color.tint.mask** ====== Skin Texture Property: color.tint.mask ====== Defines the blends between [[gamedev:textureproperties:color_tint|color.tint]], [[gamedev:textureproperties:color|color]] and [[gamedev:textureproperties:color_alpha|color.alpha]] property. |Excepted Data Source|1 component image| |Data Range|0 to 1 for all image components| |Default Value|1| |Affected Modules|Graphic| |Linked Properties|[[gamedev:textureproperties:color|color]], [[gamedev:textureproperties:color_alpha|color.alpha]], [[gamedev:textureproperties:color_tint|color.tint]]| ====== Description ====== The **color.tint.mask** texture property is linked to the **[[gamedev:textureproperties:color|color]]**, **[[gamedev:textureproperties:color_alpha|color.alpha]]** and **[[gamedev:textureproperties:color_tint|color.tint]]** texture properties. It defines the amount of tint applied to the image from the **[[gamedev:textureproperties:color|color]]** and **[[gamedev:textureproperties:color_alpha|color_alpha]]** texture properties. This allows to alter the color of textures without requiring new image files for each color variation. Furthermore this allows for dynamic color changes using a renderable for this texture property. The value is typically a 1 color component image with values located inside the range from 0 to 1. The default value for this texture property is 1. ====== Examples ====== {{ :gamedev:textureproperties:color_tint.png |4 crates with the same skin assigned. Each one has a different tint color}} 4 crates with the same skin assigned. Each one has a different tint color using a **[[gamedev:renderables|dynamic skin]]**. The skin uses a renderable named "tint" for the color.tint texture property. This way the material can be reused in various places just with a different color each time. {{ :gamedev:textureproperties:color_tint2.png |A city scene with individually colored facades using only 3 different tintable materials}} A city scene with individually colored facades using only 3 different tintable materials. No need for extra materials. Using some random color variations makes boring game buildings more interesting.