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Skin Texture Property: outline.thickness

Defines the outline thickness.

Excepted Data Source1 component value
Data Range0 or larger
Default Value(0, 0, 0)
Affected ModulesGraphic


The outline.thickness texture property defines the outline thickness in meters or percentage of camera field-of-view depending on the value of outline.thickness.screen.

If the outline.thickness.screen value is 0 this value is measured as meters in world space. In this mode the visual thickness on screen changes with the distance of the object to the camera.

If the outline.thickness.screen value is 1 this value is measured relative to the camera field-of-view. This makes the thickness stay at constant visual size no matter what distance of the object to the camera. For example in the screen mode a value of 0.01 for example equals to a thickness of 1% the screen width.

If thickness is larger than 0 an outline is rendered around the component. This is typically used to highlight objects or to use cartoon style effects.

The outline.thickness value is a 1 component value with the value located inside the range of 0 or larger.

The default value for this texture property is 0.


Example usage of outline.* skin texture properties.

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gamedev/textureproperties/outline_thickness.1588619061.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/04 19:04 by dragonlord