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This list contains all approved texture properties. If you implement a graphic, audio or physics module you should stick to this list. You are not required to support all texture properties mentioned here but if you support them stick to the definition below. Artist rely on the same list to produce their content. For testing new texture properties you can of course define new properties and propose them for inclusion.

The properties are listed with their name as title. Property names typically compose of one or more names with optional dots in between. Color components and gray scale values are written in the range from 0 to 1 with 0 equal to an RGB value of 0 and 1 equal to an RGB value of 255. The brief below the description indicates the used data type and the default value if the property is not specified. Values in round brackets indicate a color with in the form ( red, green, blue ) or ( red, green, blue, alpha ).

Note: Boolean Value is the same as Single Value just indicating that only the values 0 and 1 have a meaning.

Property NameDescriptionSourceDefaultAffected ModulesLinked Properties
ambient.occlusionAmbient occlusion.image1Graphic-
colorAlbedo color.image(0,0,0)Graphiccolor.gamma, color.tint
color_alphaAlbedo color with transparency.image(0,0,0,1)Graphiccolor.gamma, color.tint
color.gammaGamma correction for the color and color_alpha texture property.value2.2Graphiccolor, color_alpha
color.tintTint for the color and color_alpha texture property.value(1,1,1)Graphiccolor, color_alpha
transparency.typeTransparency type (full or masked).value0 (masked)Graphictransparency
normalSurface normal.image(0.5,0.5,1.0)Graphic, Physicsnormal.strength
normal.strengthStrength of normal property influence.value1Graphic, Physicsnormal
heightHeight of surface point.value0.5Graphicheight.scale
height.scaleScale of height texture property.value1Graphicheight
refraction.distortDistortion behind transparent object.image(0.5,0.5)Graphicrefraction.distort.strength
refraction.distort.strengthStrength of the distortion behind transparent object effect.value0.01Graphicrefraction.distort
reflectivityPer-color reflectivity/reflectance.image3Graphicreflectivity.gamma
reflectivity.gammaGamma correction for the reflectivity texture property.value1Graphicreflectivity
roughnessSurface roughness.image(1,1)Graphic, Physicsroughness.remap.lower, roughness.remap.upper, roughness.gamma
roughness.remap.lowerLower remap value for the roughness texture property.value0Graphic, Physicsroughness
roughness.remap.upperUpper remap value for the roughness texture property.value1Graphic, Physicsroughness
roughness.gammaGamma correction for the roughness texture property.value1Graphic, Physicsroughness
environmentmapDefines a custom environmentmap to use for reflections.image(1,1,1,0)Graphic-
mirrorDefines if the material is fully mirroring.value0Graphic-
emissivityDefines the emissivity.image(0,0,0)Graphicemissivity.intensity
emissivity.intensityDefines the emissivity intensity.value1Graphicemissivity
shadow.noneDefines if the material casts shadows.value1Graphic-
shadow.importanceDefines how important shadow casting is for this material.value1Graphic-
texcoord.clampDefines if the texture coordinates are clamped to the border.value0Graphic-
texcoord.scaleDefines the scaling for texture coordinates.value(1,1)Graphic-

Graphic Properties

These properties are understood in general only by the Graphic Module. Some might also be understood by other modules but this is not the default behavior.

Physics Properties

These properties are understood by the Physics Module.


Defines the bounciness of a surface. This is used by the physics module to determine with what fraction of the incoming force an object is repelled from a surface. A value of 0 equals to no bounciness in which case an object hitting this surface is not repelled at all whereas 1 equals to full bounciness in which case an object bounces off this surface with the force it arrived. This has to be a single value.
Single value, default 0.2

Audio Properties

These properties are understood by the Audio Module.

Note: There are not accepted audio properties yet but some in testing.

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gamedev/texturepropertylist.1354465989.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/02 16:33 by dragonlord