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Panel Settings

Contains global settings including VR control.

Module Parameters

Shows dialog allowing to change game engine module parameters.

Help (Wiki)

Shows the DEMoCap wiki landing page in the system browser.

Enable VR

Enables VR System. VR System starts out disabled to allow mocap operators to set up the scenes before actors are ready to perform. Once enabled Enable VR View is enabled too.

Enable HMD

not supported yet

Show VR View

If enabled shows the left eye send to the actor HMD in the 3D view. If disabled shows a free navigation 3D camera controlled by the mocap operator.

Auto Export

To make captures more efficient the Auto Export setting can be enabled. If enabled and a Stage Direction is selected each capture down on a Captured Characters is automatically exported into a sub directory with the same name as the stage direction. If the capture exists already it is overwritten. This avoids the need to manually export captures which is especially a time saver for single-person use.

Auto exporting exports animations into directories of this pattern: <scene> / <stage direction> / <object> / <animation>.*.

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democap/uipanelsettings.1647371970.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/15 19:19 by dragonlord