{{tag>audio skin texture absorption}} [[:start|Start Page]] >> [[:gamedev|Game Development with the Drag[en]gine]] >> [[gamedev:skinproperties|Skin Texture Properties]] >> [[gamedev:texturepropertylist|Texture Property Database]] >> **sound.absorption.lower** ====== Skin Texture Property: sound.absorption.lower ====== Defines the scaling factor to apply for low frequencies. |Excepted Data Source|1 component value| |Data Range|0 upwards| |Default Value|0.35| |Affected Modules|Audio| |Linked Properties|[[gamedev:textureproperties:sound_absorption|sound.absorption]]| ====== Description ====== The **sound.absorption.lower** texture property defines the scaling factor to apply to [[gamedev:textureproperties:sound_absorption|sound.absorption]] for low frequencies. The scale factor changes linearly from lower to upper value depending on frequency. Values for this texture property can be looked up in engineering tables (Sound Absorption Coefficient) using low values around 125Hz divided by the middle values around 1kHz. Typical values are like these: * Bricks, wallpaper, smooth concrete: 0.35 - 0.7 * Concrete rough: 1 * Plywood: 1.7 - 2.2 * Carpet: 0.1 * Seats: 0.75 * Glass: 2 - 3 * Drapery: 0.2 - 0.3 * Fiberglass: 0.6 - 1 * Living Room: 0.6 The source is typically a single positive value including 0. The default value for this texture property is 0.35.